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The Placement Cell

How Internships help in Practical Learning

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

I Hear and I Forget, I See and I Remember, I Do and I Understand” – Confucius

An internship is a certified program that is offered by an employer to a beginner so as to provide practical experience. Internships are an important part of any student’s life, and these are opportunities which must be utilized by the students as much as possible. Internships equip the students with the fundamental skills required to pursue a career in a particular field, by integrating both theoretical and practical aspects.

Many people confuse internships with apprenticeships, and use them as interchangeable terms. Apprenticeships are for people who are clear about their career path, and work with a master in that field to learn it first-hand. Apprentices are more likely to take up a job for the person they have been learning from, whereas this is not the case in an internship. An internship also offers students a chance to try out a job or industry and to get a flavor of the kind of work which takes place there. They can then decide if the said field is the right choice for them or not.

Most interns work for a said number of months, which makes internships extremely popular amongst students who need to gain work or research experience. We live in a dynamic and fast paced world, where a simple educational degree is far from what recruiters look for in a potential candidate. The job market is a highly competitive one, and students who possess real life experience and skills are preferred over those who have spent their entire life nestled in books. Experiential and practical learning is undoubtedly a significant aspect to focus on.

An internship provides the students an understanding of the real working world, which serves as a great opportunity to explore a company, a technical area or a business sector and analyze how things actually work. It also also gives you a great opportunity to develop an extensive range of life skills, which can prove to be the key to your employability. Students who pursue an internship are much more aware of the relevance of their study program to the real world and much more receptive to learning and engagement.

Employers often rate internships and other practical learning experiences as the most important qualification a candidate can have. While an excellent GPA and campus involvement is imperative, an evidence of the application of theoretical knowledge in real life situations is always an added bonus, and can provide a significant edge over other job applicants.

In addition to great exposure and practical learning, an internship can also help you achieve a sense of triumph by contributing to an organization. You have the opportunity to be mentored by an industry professional, and achieve your own learning goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee. You can also meet new people and establish a strong network of professional contacts.

Needless to say, this valuable experience will add to your resume and/or enhance your application to business school, and can help you narrow down and decide on a specific career direction. You can also analyze if you skills are as polished as they should be, and can work on the same. You can compare your career choice to your aptitudes, skills, values, and interests, and can become aware of the reality of the working environment.

Finding a job can be a challenge, specifically if you don’t have experience. Unfortunately, you need to acquire a job before you can gain experience. Internships are a great way for college students, recent graduates or anyone considering a career change to obtain valuable work experience.

Listed below are some of the valuable takeaways from an internship, which can surely help you steer your career in the right direction.

· Career Consideration By practically doing some work, you can better understand the dynamics of how an industry works, and whether it is the right career choice for you. You get a chance to explore the workplace, and make the right choice. This can help you learn about the working mechanism of a specific industry which you may be are interested in, thus, providing a niche learning curve and proper training to understand the real world.

· Skill Development Acquiring new skills is always a great idea, and what better way to enhance your knowledge than by actually applying it practically? Learn about the required skillset for your dream job, work on the skills you think need polishing, and use it to kick start your career. You can learn a lot about your strengths and weaknesses during an internship, as they allow for feedback from supervisors and others who are established in the field. Ask questions, observe, and take risks to get the most out of your internship experience. · Hands on Work Experience Work experience is irreplaceable and cannot be obtained in a classroom setting. You have the opportunity to apply assimilated knowledge to real work experiences and witness actual job duties they would encounter in their chosen field. By graduation, students who interned are more likely to feel confident in choosing their jobs/master’s degree specialization.

· Transferrable Skill Development In additions to technical skills pertinent to your jobs, you can also learn important skills like communication, teamwork, and computer proficiency, which would fully prepare you to enter the workforce. · More Marketability If you already have some experience in the form of an internship, you are more likely to stand out amongst other students, and would have a definite edge over them. You may also receive a higher starting salary than those who do not have internship experience and are entering the workforce or starting a new career.

· Professional Networks Internships are more than just about getting a grade or making money; they provide an opportunity to learn from the industry experts, ask questions, and gain valuable feedback. The professionals you meet during an internship can be your future colleagues or even the link to your first job. Internships provide a great environment to meet professionals in the career field you want to pursue, as well as other interns who have similar interests. Growing your professional network is essential to flourishing in your chosen career.

· Boost Confidence Internships allow you to apply what you have learned in a safe environment where mistakes are expected. This can greatly help improve your confidence, and make better equipped for your first job.

· Transition into a job In some cases, a company may decide to hire interns who do exceptionally well. While working as an intern, you can get the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills, talent, commitment to work, how you meet your goals within deadlines and add value to the organization. Since employers invest their time and money to train you for a longer duration, they get inclined towards hiring you, thus, giving you an opportunity for a transition into a full-time position. Even if a job offer isn’t extended, an intern who makes a favorable impressi on could receive an offer down the line when an opening occurs. It is a way for companies to test out an employee before committing to hiring them permanently.

· Professionalism Internships can help you with the soft skills required in the workplace and hone sills like communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork. You can also learn about actual workplace culture, employee relations, and hierarchal structure, which can help you be better prepared for your first job. · Resume Building A resume plays an important role towards any job position you apply for. It is an extension of your achievements, accolades, strengths, technical skills, and how you want your recruiters to know you. Employers are keen to see the internship column on your resume to gauge your skills required for the job. Many organizations have the first round of selection based on the resumes of students, and filter out students whose resumes they find the most attractive/suitable for their job position. It is always good to have a prior experience listed on your resume, which makes you much more employable. In case you are a finalist for a position and you haven’t had an internship experience but the other finalist has, you may lose out on a job opportunity, so make sure you at least have one internship on your resume before leaving college to give you an upper hand in the competition. · Professional feedback An internship is where it’s not only you contributes towards an organization, but they also help you out by training you and accelerating your growth and development as an individual. Professors and teachers in college can help you learn the theoretical aspects of the subject you’re studying and the basic fundamentals about it. But if you pursue an internship, you can learn how these concepts can actually be applied in the real world, and can receive valuable feedback from professionals who are already working in the industry. Internships are like a trail run for an actual job, and you can afford to make mistakes and learn from industry experts.

· Learn from fellow colleagues Apart from learning from your own superiors and mentors, it is always a good idea to carefully observe other people in different departments as well. You can learn about the fundamentals of their jobs, and understand what their day to day tasks are. Ask if you can attend meeting of other departments as well, understand how they function, and learn as much as you can. · Know what you do not like An internship should be an exciting learning experience, and you should emerge as a better prepared and more passionate individual. But that isn’t always the case, and there is a silver lining if you didn’t enjoy the work; you would know exactly what you do not want to pursue in future. This will help you understand which jobs do not fit the purview of your interest at all, so that you can refrain from accepting job offers which aren’t the right fit for you. · Monetary Compensation A lot of internships are paid which can help you gain valuable work experience and make money at the same time, which is a great way to fund your day to day expenses.

Since the various benefits of why you should take up internships have been listed above in great detail, another important factor to consider is how to find an internship. The first step in looking for an internship is to define what you require. For example, if you are a college fresher, you might be interested in exploring a variety of internships in different job domains that can help you determine your ultimate career path. But if you are a final year student, you may have very specific goals and would probably be looking for internships of a specific type. Similar to the process of looking for a job, the process for finding an internship can also be perplexing and challenging. Today, there exist thousands of websites that you can use to find an internship which is suitable for you. These websites perform the function of bridging the gap between employees and interns, and area great place to start. Some of the best places to start are LinkedIn,, State and Local Employment agencies, etc. Another way to land a good internship is via the Placement Cell of your college, as these internships are usually reliable, and can offer a great learning experience.

An internship can greatly help boost your career, and it is a great way to shine amidst thousands of job applicants. The more experience you have under your belt, more likely are you to be chosen for the job you desire. Internships are important not just from the perspective of securing a good job, but they also help you decide which career path is good for you, and which activities you would rather not want to spend your life doing. It helps gain practical experience, and teaches you the fundamentals of how the industry actually works. An internship is actually like a knight in shining armor for college students, saving them from the stress of not having experience, from the indecisiveness of applying for a particular position, from the lack of confidence and networking skills, and from the fear of not doing well at their first job. You know what they say, “Knowledge comes from learning, but wisdom comes from living.”

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