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Network is Net Worth : Importance of Networking in the Corporate World

“Growth is never by mere chance, it is the result of forces working together.”

There is so much to explore and there is even more unexplored. The Corporate world is full of opportunities and involves decision making from the very first step. But how would you know what is the best thing for you, what should be your course of action, what field you want to have your career in? Is it worth the risk? How to find a mentor?

Well there would be plenty of such queries in your mind and of course you can’t find answers to all of them at once. It’s a long process requiring you to integrate into the corporate culture. Everything might seem challenging and uncertain in the beginning but one thing is for sure building and nurturing professional relationships is a prerequisite in this corporate world. And here is where networking comes to your rescue.

All about Networking

Ryan Lilly describes networking as people looking for people looking for people.

Networking in its true sense, is setting up associations with individuals mostly from your field with the ultimate purpose to grow. These associations could be working experts, specialists, pioneers in their respective fields, or even educators. It involves shaping connections with those who'll assist with getting you to where you need to go and surely get you on the right path.

Though earlier Networking was all about strategic maneuvers, presently it's tied in with your own course, following your interests, and making significant associations, which thusly increment your knowledge and adds to your overall growth. Networking is not just about meeting a new person and handing them over your business card, it goes way beyond. You should always look forward to making new CONNECTIONS which have the power that extends beyond a generic introduction. Networking should not be seen as a one day task, it should be seen as a process which requires you to prioritize, re-introduce, remind, check in, and follow-up throughout. In order to maintain these relationships you have to show them that you care and these associations matter to you.

A successful career isn’t just limited to a job, it’s a compilation of a lot of things, and networking is one of them.

But why do we need Networking?

Human interaction is all that we need, in the times of sadness, in the times of ambiguity, it’s the antidote to every negative emotion. Listening to someone mapping out their journey does exactly the same. Networking tends to solve most of your problems by enabling you to have right communication with those who have been through the same and are reaching new heights in their respective careers. The right talk with the right set of people can take you way ahead than your peers.

Hence it becomes extremely important to identify right people and not let go of any opportunity to build a network. No matter where you are at in your corporate journey or what organization you are a part of, everything changes and nothing remains constant but your network stays with you forever.

It definitely is a give and take mutually benefiting relation not confining itself to just monetary benefits but expanding your horizon and bringing in a lot of exposure and clarity. Having said that, talking to people with no ulterior motive can also reward you in a lot of ways. Going into networking opportunities with an open mind and no agenda can help you get more out of that connection where you are not trying to force a specific outcome.

Meeting people for the first time can be overwhelming, however it is extremely important to stand out and leave a long lasting impact on the other person as you can make a first impression only once. The reason why first impressions are so important is that they last well beyond that moment. In order to have an easy and effective interaction, don’t forget to:

1. Smile

2. Maintain eye contact

3. Use warm Gestures

4. Listen Intently

5. Carry a positive Aura

The 3 major Golden rules to keep in mind while interacting are:

· Maintaining social norms.

· Respecting personal space.

· Listening rather than talking over.

How to Build a Network?

All throughout school, up until college, we have always been in a safe and cozy environment and never wandering out of our comfort zones. Most of us would have not even heard of networking up until now. As students it is even easier to make new connections and get started with their prep-game. Networking is something which would not happen overnight. It’s a gradual process and one has to be smart and cautious enough to not miss upon any opportunity to build a connection. Now the question is where to start, well new ways to network are popping up every day and the best part about networking is that it can be done anywhere anytime: in an office, at a party or even online.

Here are some sources where one can find endless networking Opportunities and can kick start their journey in the corporate world:

1. College

College life is the most important and golden period of development. College is the best time to start with networking where you can build a solid network of peers, professors, alumni and industry connections who can help you grow.

One can easily build connection with professors by actively participating in the class asking for advice and having meaningful conversations with them and as far as industry professionals are concerned, the best way to build a connection is by working or volunteering for them.

Another way to build connections in college is by being part of different societies, alumni network, attending webinars, organizing events and being profusely active in the campus. It surely adds to your overall exposure and helps to connect with lot more people.

2. LinkedIn

With millions of people using this platform, the entire networking process has become a lot more easy. With just a meaningful connection request, you can connect with most people whether you know them personally or not. The platform allows you to apply for jobs and connect with former co-workers and like-minded professionals not just locally but globally. LinkedIn has a lot more to offer while networking and The Insight Scoop has got it covered as a separate article. LINK to the Article:

3. Other Social Media

Do not under underestimate the power of social media in building strong relationships. Being on social media is already a huge step towards building connections and finding others who have a similar mindset or goal as your own.

Social media never fails to shrink the distance between people and create connections. This phenomenon opens another world of opportunity especially for a lot of students out there and one doesn’t always have to go to LinkedIn for their virtual networking. A lot of people have found networking success through Facebook, Instagram and other social networking sites as well.

Students should always look out for pages with high level of engagement and leave thoughtful comments, respond to other comments, strike up conversations and follow-up in the DMS.

4. Internships and Volunteering Activities

As much as connections matter in landing an internship, they are also a great source to build new connections which could be the stepping-stones to your next opportunity.

While interning or volunteering in any sort of job, learn thoroughly about the team and the key players within the organization, reach out to everyone in your team from an entry-level individual to the team leader. It will definitely help you in the long run.

5. Join Groups, Attend Events and parties

This would require you to check your settings, look out for scenarios in which you can meet people in intimate and small groups, join established groups of network, attend events and conferences. Be sure to recharge yourself-you should be full of energy, go with a plan and lastly use your superpower, your USP.

Meet with individuals outside of your immediate range of influence, and settle in framing those frail ties into permanent relations.

Channelize your networking energy and use your talking potential on the right set of people and then see the magic happen.

6. Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are a very unique way to help you find out more about the type of industry, company or role you are interested in. They are excellent resources to learn about and discover different career fields. Attending these interviews will surely help you create professional connections and guide towards potential occupations.

Wondering how to make the most of your conversation? Well make use of the following questions while aiming to build a network:

1. Start with the Ice- Breakers

· What has led you to where you are right now?

· How do you manage to grow and learn when you’re not working?

· What projects are you working on currently?

2. Getting to know their Industry and field

· What skills are a prerequisite in the field they are in?

· What are the changing trends that their Industry has witnessed so far?

3. Getting to know about their Journey

· What has been the highest and lowest point in their career so far?

· What has kept them motivated?

4. Concluding the Conversation

· What is the next for them in their career?

· Is there anyone else they can refer you to?

Never underestimate the power of relationships, the right connection will get you in doors your talent never could because it is not always what you know but sometimes it’s who you know. There’s no harm in getting ahead and growing based on your connections. Someone who is acting as an angel in disguise to you might have had someone in their career as well who would have given them a boost too. So go ahead and network your way to success.

Growth is not all sunshine and rainbows, there is the part where you have to face your fears, let go of some limiting beliefs and actively choose your future self – every single day. It’s a journey but the transformation is worth it. In the end when you will look back upon your journey you will surely be grateful for the people who have coached, challenged, and believed in YOU to grow professionally and personally.

It surely is a journey involving transformation from a shy newcomer to an experienced crowds-player. And you never know you might end up finding your inspiration in the process!

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