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The Placement Cell

Staying productive and motivated during the pandemic

The unimaginable has occurred – we are in the midst of a pandemic, with subsequent lockdowns, which is wreaking havoc on all aspects of our lives. The general youth consensus is that we are all living the same day on a loop, with the pressure of being a bit more productive with each passing day. After all, we all want to be equipped with a super convincing answer for the question “What did you do during the pandemic?” that the HRs or college interview panels are going to charge at us with. Scrolling down LinkedIn or watching Instagram stories, where people are mentioning the milestones they have achieved during this time is further fuelling this pressure.

So let’s change our approach. Instead of keeping this productivity contest as our driving force, let’s train our minds to believe that the busier we are, the quicker this time will pass and as a by-product, we’ll have a few achievements that we can talk about. Isn’t this a win-win situation?

Easier said than done. So what are a few things that can make us calmer and motivated during the day?

Hack #1:

Before going to bed, make a to-do list consisting of a few attainable tasks for the next day. Remember, don’t get to these tasks as soon as you wake up. Create a morning routine for yourself – it can be starting the day with a healthy breakfast (with no screens around), playing happy music and having a ‘me-time’.

Don’t overwhelm yourself first thing in the morning by looking at your phone. This will give your brain the space to breathe.

Hack #2:

Whether you’re interning, taking an online course or working on an individual project, make sure that your work space is neat and clean. This has a de-cluttering psychological affect that works wonders! Ditch those pyjamas and dress up as you would on a normal working day. This works as an instant mood-booster.

Hack #3:

Another crucial thing is to ensure that you take up a hobby, that has nothing to do with your CV. It could be reading, cooking, writing, yoga and the list goes on. This gives you internal satisfaction as this is something you are doing just for yourself, and nobody else.

Hack #4:

We can’t stress enough on the importance of exercise. It improves your blood flow, releases toxins and makes you feel physically and mentally stronger. Get that body moving even if it is for 20 minutes a day. You will thank yourself at the end.

Hack #5:

There will be days where you feel isolated, hopeless and like there’s no light to the end of this tunnel. The first step to stop ourselves from falling deeper into this hole is to acknowledge that all of us are going through a life-altering event and are collectively there in this feeling of despair. As they say, “We’re all in this together.” This minor acceptance can eliminate the feeling of loneliness – which isolation has successfully managed to create.

Next step is to kick those happiness chemicals in.

If none of this works, don’t worry, get comfortable in bed and watch your favourite Netflix series; try again the next day. Remind yourself to take one day at a time. The internet is full of hacks to successfully get through these testing times. Chalk out a realistic routine for yourself and stick to it. Remember to have the mindset, ‘This too shall pass.’

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